Google Analytics Basic Setup

Google Analytics, or any web analytics tool, is an essential part of your SEO toolkit. You can measure the cause and effect of your SEO efforts, see your organic traffic increase over time, and identify issues. Right out of the box, Google Analytics will track visitors to your website, but it comes with the ability … Continued

Mobile First Design & SEO

Traditionally, websites are designed for the PC and then, through the magic of responsive design, the layout is resized for mobile devices. Since searches on mobile devices now outnumber those made on desktop search, as Google announced in May 2015, making sure that your website looks good on mobile devices is more and more important, … Continued

Better SEO Equals More Visitors (Case Study)

Originally published by Resources Online. The search engine optimization (SEO) process helps to ensure that your content is accessible to search engines and that your topics match your audience’s search terms. Having someone available, whether a consultant or a staff member, to advocate for SEO as part of your production process will reap rewards such … Continued

Impact of Influencers

In an Internet with over 1,017,018,817 web sites as of this moment per Live Stats, getting your website and your products found continues to be a challenge. This is where the power of social media can turbo charge your SEO efforts. I’ve seen it happen. I had an SEO engagement with a company a while … Continued

Parallax Scrolling & SEO

Parallax scrolling is the web developer’s shiny new car, but, in fact, it’s been around for a while. It first appeared in computer games in the early 80s, but it’s gained momentum in web design in just the last few years. What is parallax scrolling? This technique utilizes layers that move at different rates to … Continued

What’s Important in the Search Quality Raters Full Guidelines 2015

Google, in my opinion, is smart to hire human testers to rate their algorithm’s performance. In the past, abbreviated guidelines have been leaked. This year, Google caved and released the full version of the Search Quality Raters Guidelines. It is 160 PDF pages, but you should not be afraid of this linear reading exercise. The … Continued